Who We Are
The CRSC is a not-for-profit organisation for colour research, focused on fostering a cross-disciplinary sharing of colour knowledge. We seek to develop and support a national, cross-disciplinary network of artists and designers, scholars and practitioners, with an interest in engagements with colour, and to encourage discourse between arts, sciences and industry related to colour research and knowledge. The Colour Research Society of Canada (CRSC) is the Canadian member organisation of the AIC (International Colour Association).
To encourage and promote Canadian colour research and sharing of colour knowledge from diverse areas of practice and scholarly inquiry.
To be an active and inclusive pan-Canadian organization furthering Canadian contribution and activity in international colour research and knowledge.
Board of Administration
The Board of Administration is elected every two years at the CRSC’s Annual General Meeting. The voluntary Board consists of the Executive Committee (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary), Past-President and Members at Large. All members of the Board work together to promote and support professional, interdisciplinary work in colour research. The Board invites and welcomes those interested in becoming more involved with the CRSC to consider joining its Board of Administration.